The Leaders in UAV Magnetometer Surveys for Well-Locating

Helping developers locate orphan and abandoned wells so projects can move forward with confidence.

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Fast and accurate well-finding surveys

UAV Exploration Inc. is a geophysical services provider specializing in Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) Magnetic Surveying for abandoned and orphan well-locating. We combine the latest in lightweight magnetic sensor technology, highly specialized aerial platforms and expert-level flight operations to produce the highest quality unmanned aeromagnetic well-surveys available.

Technology that makes well-finding faster than ever

Until recent advances in drone and lightweight magnetometer technology, large-scale well surveys simply weren’t feasible. And certainly not scalable. Now, with the expertise to combine these two technologies, it’s both feasible and scalable.

Drone-based magnetic surveys make traditional ground-surveys a thing of the past.

Over 10X faster than traditional methods

More Accurate

A complete picture of the precise locations of wells present within a survey area

First company to offer drone-magnetic surveying for well locating

# 0
Years since our first mag survey
Abandoned Wells Located
1 +

Just a few of our client success stories

Trusted by These Companies

Check out the latest from UAV Exploration

The Notorious Inadequacy of State Well Databases

Abandoned and orphaned wells can cause significant headaches for developers, making it essential to locate and manage them using an accurate and efficient method. The history of U.S. oil well drilling goes back to 1859 with the Drake Well near Titusville, PA. Over the next century, operators drilled hundreds of wells downstream along Oil Creek.

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Well Location Supports Renewable Projects in Oil & Gas Country

Magnetometer well surveys ensure developers are aware of abandoned and orphaned wells and can tackle potential hazards before they interfere with operations. From solar to wind to battery projects, U.S. Well Location Supports Renewable Projects in Oil & Gas Country is taking off. By the end of 2023, the U.S. Energy Information Administration predicted utility-scale

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Engage the True Leaders in UAV Magnetic Surveys

We recognize each abandoned well survey has unique requirements. Our goal is to provide a turn-key solution for our clients to ensure their specific project demands are met.

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